
Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Transformation

The only newspaper I used to read earlier, was ‘Times of India’.  But few years ago, my habit of reading newspaper died out. Nowadays, I prefer browsing through online latest news, rather than reading the previous day news. The newspapers were piling up at our house, entirely unread and one early morning, I simply asked the delivery guy not to throw anymore newspaper at our terrace. But one thing I must admit, the smell of the printed newspaper along with it's typical folding sound, is truly mesmeric. While reading online, whenever I liked any news article, I also enjoyed going through various comments, below it. There used to be a Agree, Disagree, Recommend and an Offensive buttons for each comment. Sometimes even I wanted to comment, but to do so one had to register with a valid email id, first. I did the same and started to comment in some interesting news articles. Sometimes I was thrilled to see my comment being liked by so many people. That was for the first time I started to write. It was fun; also there was no transparency and quite often people posted weird comments. I remember on a few occasions, my comments were among the top, most engaging, most agreed ones. Gradually I grew in confidence, but then interesting topics were very limited in Times of India.

Later when Facebook came, I was a little worried about the kind of transparency it had. Initially I was very apprehensive and refrained myself from liking and commenting. If I like anything, all my friends would come to know, how scary is that?  But some FB posts and also some comments were so interesting that I was tempted to like and to comment. Sometimes my comments were liked by some of my friends and I felt good about it. I grew in confidence and the fear was gone. I started to press the like button whenever I found anything interesting and also started to comment more frequently. Also, somehow I dared to post my own stuff on FB. A few likes and comments made me feel satisfied. I started to post more often and also joined a few FB communities, including our college group. I started posting some of our  humorous college life, hostel incidents and my friends really enjoyed those.

Gradually I became more bolder and entered into the daring world of blogging. I really enjoy writing about some of my unforgettable moments and feel utterly delighted whenever I see a comment on my post. All those Leibster and Versatile awards really inspired me to write more. I also took part in some of the blogging competitions organized by Indiblogger and had attempted to write a few short fictions. I felt glad that many people even enjoyed my fictional stories as well. I continued blogging and then one day something sparked in me. I thought of writing a book. Well, I might have overreacted to think in that way, but I started to work on a story. It was boring initially and I didn’t have any clue how my story would move forward. But I never looked back and continued to work. Guess what? I’ve completed writing my first novel and sent my submission with the first 3 chapters to some of the publishers, today. Still a lot of editing work is pending and I would really like to thank my schoolmate Arundhati Hazarika for helping me in editing my work.

It’s a simple story, about the amazing journey of life, with a little humor, love, friendship and some emotions. It’s purely a work of fiction and is not based on my blog. But readers who enjoy my posts are definitely going to love the story. I just hope some publishers would be interested in my work. It’s a wonderful experience, writing my first novel and I’m really enjoying it.  


  1. Hey very happy about u r book n good luck. Eagrly waiting for u r book. :)

    1. Thanks Shilpa :) Hope will get a publisher soon !!

  2. most of us have stories similar like this .. but the way you are giving it a final touch by publishing a book .. it is inspiring .. all d best

    1. Thanks for your wish Mr Deka. Yeah, somehow gathered the courage for it. Thanks for dropping by !!

  3. Anyway,You became a serious guy with your writing a novel..all the best!

    1. Hehe Murthy Sir, not that serious :) I'm still the same. Thanks a lot for your wish !!

  4. Great and I can relate to many of your sentences here. I was an introvert and rarely initiate a talking but with FB and blogging, I sense I am coming out of that shell. And publishing a book is something that's burning inside every writer and you have started climbing that ladder Jahid. Wish you the best and hope to see your novel ion bookshelves soon :)

    1. Thanks Uma for such lovely words. Somehow gathered the courage and patience for this big thing :) Hope will get a publisher soon. Thanks for dropping by !!

  5. Congrats on the book. So happy for you. I too love receiving comments and likes and i think thats what gets me going.All the best for the book, let us know when it is out

    1. Thanks Nima for your best wishes :) yeah, comments are always inspiring. Hope will get a publisher soon. Thanks for dropping by !!

  6. That's great... i agree about the happiness when someone appreciates your work..
    It feels good..

    1. Yes Lancelot, it really feels good :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!

  7. I'm glad to hear some news about your novel! Waiting for it :D

    1. Thanks Harshini :) hope it will get published soon !!

  8. Your story seems so familiar to me...glad to know about your wishes :-)

    1. Nice to know you have a similar story. Thanks a lot for your best wishes, Maniparna :)

  9. Right decision Jahid. Very soon i ll get a copy of your book to review.

    1. Thats so nice of you Neo :) hope it will get published soon !!

  10. happy for you ! A very good decision ! Waiting to read ur book !

    1. Thank you so much Ananya :) Hope it will get published soon. Thanks for dropping by !!

  11. Congrats for the book and can't wait to read it...That's awesome yaa and yeps, I love reading printed version of's magical. yeah, My FB is linked to HT and TOI and,earlier, I was apprehensive and m still.

    1. Thanks Vishal. Yeah, reading printed version feels good. Linking FB to such things can be very apprehensive :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!

  12. Way to go, Jahid! I will definitely be one of your readers, for sure! I like the way you keep everything simple yet with a bits of humour. Keep us updated.

    1. Thanks Sangeeta, so glad to know you like my writing. Hope my book will be published soon. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  13. Great! All the best ! Hoping to see your book published soon.

    1. Thanks Ratna, wish it will be published soon. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  14. Congrats ! All the best on your new venture !

    1. Thank you so much. Hope it will be published soon. Thanks for dropping by !!

  15. wow.. so honest and inspiring.. will u be my friend :) its like my story only catch I culdnt start on my book in years..
    Congrats.. and do visit my blog and comment if you like

    1. Thanks Roohi for your refreshing comment :) Hope my book will be published soon. Thanks a lot for visiting out here, and yes, you have a wonderful blog !!

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks Julekha :) glad you liked the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  17. That's great Jahid! Congratulations:-) I'll be first in line to get a signed copy when u will hit the bestseller list! And you will - Your storyteller skills are unquestionable:-)

    1. Thanks Eli :) your comments are always very pleasing and inspiring. So glad you enjoy my stories. Hope my book will be published soon !!

  18. hope to read your novel soon

    1. Thank you dear. Hope it will get published soon !!

  19. Good luck with your book, Jahid! Hope to see it soon in print.

    1. Thank U so much Beloo Ji. Hope it will get published soon !!

  20. That's great Jahid ! a positive transformation. Congratulations on completing your book. Wishing you luck !

    1. Thanks Shwets :) Hope it will get published soon. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  21. wow ! thats great ! congratulations for your book ! keep up the good work !

    1. Thanks Barnali :) Hope it will publish soon. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  22. Thats awesome......congratulations and all the very best :)

    1. Thank you so much Saumya :) Hope it will get published soon !!

  23. That is an amazing transformation sir. has your book been published yet

    1. Thanks Taran :) no,not yet published; hopefully will get published in Feb 2015!!
