
Monday 21 April 2014

The Slimming Package

Few years ago, my wife Anjali worked with a Health Care organization, which was mainly into beauty and slimming. The company was also into the business of manufacturing, marketing and export of products/services that constitute skin care, body care, hair care, dental care and many more. It had its wings spread across India. In Bangalore the company had 6 to 8 divisions and Anjali worked as a center head in one of them. She was not directly involved in sales and marketing, but had to manage the smooth functioning of the center. The company had many innovative slimming products and packages, some claimed to reduce 20 kg of weight in just three months, with their unique and effective herbal body massage. 

The ladies at the reception were very good-looking and were utterly smart. Clients were really pleased with their smooth and confident talking. One of the girls loved to communicate  more with her eyes and most of the male clients couldn’t stand her piercing glance for long. She talked with a typical Delhi accent and could easily convince the clients for taking one product or the other. Sometimes a few of the clients were not very satisfied with the service. Instead of 20 kg, they could hardly reduce 2 kg of their weight, after paying a hefty amount and after completing the course. On a few occasions, some clients even shouted at the employees, asking them to return their money. But the pretty ladies easily handled such situations. Some clients were so annoyed that they even made police complaints, but the terms and conditions to reduce weights were very tricky. 

One day a decent looking middle aged man entered the front door. He looked to be in his early fifties and was slightly overweight. The enchanting ladies at the reception greeted him and immediately his face lit up with a bright smile, and his heart filled with happiness. The man was quite soft-spoken and the ladies started to explain him about the various slimming packages. He seemed to be more interested in body massage. The girls were able to convince him for an alluring package. It was a three month’s package which included weekly two times full body massage, along with some exercises. The man looked very happy and he didn’t mind one of the ladies swapping his credit card for a transaction of Rs 50,000. The smart girls could read his mind and they were pretty sure that the man actually wasn't much bothered about reducing his weight, but he wanted to explore some of his hidden desires.

One of the girls escorted him to a room. It was a small room and the man was mesmerized with the fragrance inside. It was quite an ecstatic moment for him. He was expecting one of the enticing ladies from the reception would come and massage him. Various seductive thoughts started to flow through his head and his wait was getting impatient. Suddenly a good-looking guy entered the room. He picked a big towel that lay nearby and passed it on to him. He asked the man to get undressed and cover himself with the towel. The man was in a terrible state of shock. Totally clueless, he did exactly what the guy had asked him to do. The guy started his therapy and the man tried to relax with his heavy heart. 

‘Are you the one who’s going to massage my body for the next three months?’ the man gently asked.

The guy replied, ‘there are a few more therapists and I might not massage you every time’

 ‘Are there lady therapists as well?’ the man asked.

‘Yes, there are, but I’m afraid cross-gender massage is not done here’

The man was very disappointed and felt being cheated. Later after his therapy, he went to have a talk with the beautiful ladies at the reception. The girls already felt the sadness and dissatisfaction on his face. They were a little worried and felt the man might no longer interested in the slimming package he had already paid for. They tried to play it safe and didn’t give him enough opportunity to talk. 

‘Actually, I don’t think the package would be much of a help to me,’ the man said with utter shyness. 

‘No sir, it’s a very good one and it will definitely help you in reducing your weight’ ‘Hum log to aapke beti jaisi hai, aapse kyun jhooth bolenge?’ ‘We girls are just like you daughters and why we should lie to you?’

The poor man went speechless and the embarrassment showed on his face. After a while he simply walked away from there. He continued with his therapy and kept visiting the center. But every time he visited, he looked awkward and absolutely unsatisfied.  


  1. hahah I feel for the man :P
    But the dialogues by the girls! hahahaha

    1. Hehe nice that you felt for the man :) yeah, the dialogues by the girls are mind-blowing. Thanks for dropping by !!

  2. lol... I've heard a similar incident at vlcc :)

    1. Hehe.. nice to know you are familiar with such incidents. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  3. Replies
    1. Hehe.. glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by Jyotsna !!

  4. hahahaha...this is hilarious!!!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post Manini. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  5. Hahahaa... expectations gone down the drain..!!

    1. Haha... exactly :) Thanks for dropping by Lancelot !!

  6. Hahahaha smart way to tackle such people

    1. Yes, very smart way :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  7. Lol,poor man's dream shattered

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Dr Riyaz, so glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  9. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....that was too good.....:-D

    1. Thanks Thomas, glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by dude !!

  10. Ha ha ha - to funny - can feel his disappointment .. and also shock when the male therapist entered the room..! Yeek:-) You're a great storyteller Jahid - so hooked from the first words:-) Very enjoyable.

    1. Thanks Eli, so glad you enjoyed the post :) Your comments are always energetic and very inspiring. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  11. poor guy! Indians have a lot of desires but lot of social restrictions !

  12. Hahaha... great expectations thwarted!

    1. Haha.. expectations completely shattered :) thanks for dropping by Sreesha !!

  13. funny.... :P

    1. Hehe.. Glad you enjoyed the post :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here Saumya !!

  14. Good story, the lesson is not to be a pervert. Did he lose any weight?

    1. Glad you enjoyed the story Carlyn. Hehe.. yeah, better not to be a pervert. The man reduced some weight as well !!

  15. Thats what most of the ladies are posted at receiptions. First impression should be alluring..

    1. Very true Mr Shabab :) Thanks for dropping by !!

  16. Funny story, made me laugh :)

    1. Thanks you so much, glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for dropping by, Aunt Mary !!

  17. Several slimming centers and massage parlors are a front for dubious activities in Gurgaon. No wonder the man had other ideas.

    1. Same in all the cities I guess. Yes Alka Ji, the man was quite rangeela kind of :)

  18. These are now everywhere and people need to be careful. A very apt post in a different tone...Hi Jahid, I nominated you for Sunshine Blog award for your beautiful blogging and nice style of writing. Do check my post on the subject.

    1. Yes Jatanta, these things are pretty common in all the cities nowadays. Glad you like my blogging and thanks a lot for nominating me for the award. It's really a pleasure and an honor for me!!

  19. hey how are you doing .. remember me :)

    Poor guy he obviously had other views .. never mind


    1. Hey! Nice to see you Bikram. I'm doing fine. Where were you all these days? How you doing? How can I forget you Bikram? You're one of my first blogger friend!

    2. I am doing good .. and glad you remember me sir.. I am back blogging or rather trying to revive what is left of it ...


  20. Oh ! i know someone who actually went to Thailand for this purpose and came back agitated and tanned. Hhahaha such vagaries of life, i tell you !

    1. Haha.. he went a little too far :) yes, such vagaries of life. Thanks for dropping by, Shweta !!

  21. Replies
    1. Hehe.. :) Glad you enjoyed the post Cezandra. Thanks for dropping by !!

  22. Hahahahahahha. This was hilarious
