
Sunday 23 February 2014

Some People Are Very Serious

‘Hey Bhaiti! I’ve heard that your class 12th board results are out’

‘Yes Aunty, but my performance is really bad’

‘It’s OK dear, what’s the total percentage you got?’

‘Please leave it aunty, it’s not good enough’

‘C’mon, you know results really doesn't matter. If one is really talented then he will definitely go quite far. You can really tell me how much you scored’

‘Sorry Aunty. I'm really feeling shy and it’s genuinely not good enough’

‘C’mon …’

The conversation continued for some time and then ultimately I had to  reveal my disaster.

'Oh No! So less? Your parents must be so upset, I really feel sorry for them'

I wanted to give her a deadly punch over the phone itself, but I simply disconnected the call. I knew it very well that she seriously suffered from the seriousness disease. 

‘Unki condition Bohut Hi Serious Thi’ and I didn’t say her anything rude.

On the other hand one of my good friends from a different school scored 84%, but his parents weren't very happy, as they expected him to top which he couldn't. Why some parents are so damn serious? Somehow I managed to get admission in an Engineering college. I really don't want to comment anything about how much engineering I learned during my 4 years of college, but I thoroughly enjoyed my life like hell. It made me bold enough, damn caring and much more confident in life. After my college days I was prepared enough for any damn challenge. I also managed to get a job in software development. Well, I didn't have another choice, but the industry is open to all. If someone can't manage to get a job anywhere else, they should definitely try their luck in software and they wouldn’t be disappointed. The work is usually cool, but during the appraisal time, suddenly  everyone seems to suffer from the seriousness disease. Every year the management usually have some real hard time to cure this epidemic disease at various levels.

I used to stay in an apartment along with few of my college friends. We tried to continue our hostel kind of life out there as well. Every evening the house used to come alive once everyone returned from office. I just loved to listen heavy metal in little louder volume, specially whenever I was in mood. Well, usually most of the time I was pretty much in mood. Our adjacent neighbor had some serious problem with us. They had got a joint family with Husband, Wife and the Parents. The wife was beautiful and looked quite hot as well, but she was so damn irritating. Her smiling face immediately used to turn serious whenever she encountered any of us. Well,  I've no idea why some serious families hate the bachelors so much?

It was only 10 PM and that too it was a weekday. We were enjoying some wonderful time together. The big bottle was still half filled and one by one, everyone started to play our favorite tracks, from Guns N' Roses to Iron Maiden, from romantic Kishore Kumar songs to recent Bollywood blockbusters. Suddenly out of the blue someone knocked the door.

‘Hey guys! it would be really great if you could reduce the volume. Also please gossip among yourselves in a civilized manner. Actually, all good and decent people lives out here', the nearby uncle came and gave us those shits.

Some of us wanted to show the real engineer inside us, but few other sensible friends handled the situation deliberately. We already knew ‘Uncle Ki Condition Bohut Serious Hai’, the Uncle seriously suffered from seriousness disease. 

The neighbors were die-hard God fans and every morning they used to enjoy their favorite devotional songs in loud volume. Weekend mornings were quite irritating for us, but then we never had the habit of complaining. On one such occasion, I was so frustrated with those annoying holy sounds, that I opened the window and started to play some real fucking metal on my computer. I placed the loudspeakers just near the window and increased the volume. The Devilish melody was able to suppress those God sounds and I went back to sleep. After that incident, the early morning holy spirits never disturbed me any further. 

During the weekends and particularly whenever our apartment used to be jam-packed with guests, the seriousness of the neighbors were at peak and they kept visiting our door till dawn. Their seriousness was not only limited to that and sometimes it crossed beyond their threshold level. On such occasions early morning our landlord used to visit us. He used to ask us to vacate his house. I was quite disappointed that even our landlord also severely suffered from the same seriousness disease.

Years later we got matured with time, but it seemed many neighbors still severely suffered from the same old disease. One weekend I and Mriganka were enjoying at Sinha's place. As usual one of his neighbors wasn't very happy about our togetherness. Anyways, by that time we were pretty much used to such tragedies. We continued our party and after 1 AM we didn’t receive any further warning that night. But suddenly at 3 AM the doorbell rang and unfortunately for our nightmare, it was police that time.

‘Aap Logon Ki Condition To Bohut Serious Hai’ You guys are in big trouble. Everyone of you will have to undergo your medical tests. You guys are boozing at this odd hour and also disturbing the entire society. Come along with us, you morons’

‘Sir please, we didn’t do anything’

The condition of the police was very serious and after 10 to 15 minutes of negotiation, they finally settled for Rs 500 per head. As they were about to leave, we asked if we could continue our party.

One of the policemen smiled and said ‘As soon as I entered the house I noticed you guys weren't finished yet, the bottle was still not entirely empty. Well, you guys can continue, but we shouldn’t receive any more complains’

I felt little happy, at least, the condition of the policemen were not that critical. They didn't suffer so seriously from the seriousness disease.

Years later, one by one we got promoted from our bachelorhood. I realized that the society started to take me little seriously after that. When my wife got the good news, she consulted with a nearby hospital. The lady doctor out there looked happy, but she also got quite serious and asked my wife to immediately leave her job. Not only that, she even asked her to change our house, as we used to stay on second floor. She seriously asked her to avoid steps and shift to some other house on ground floor. My wife immediately consulted with one more doctor at Apollo Hospital. She was quite a well-know gynecologist with over 30 years of experience. She was pretty cool and asked her not to worry. She had a silent laugh when my wife asked her about shifting house. The doctor even told that she could very well continue her job and apply her maternity leave 15 days prior to the delivery.

We're blessed with a baby girl. Jia is now 2 years old and few months ago, we were little serious about her teeth. None of her teeth appeared even after we celebrated her first B'day. During those days we came across several people who seemed to have suffered from chronic seriousness disease. They used to terrorize us with their teeth Gyaans like "There's serious calcium deficiency in her. Some used to tell us about vitamin deficiency. But every time we visited the doctors, they seemed to be so cool. They used to say that everything was so normal about her and there's nothing to worry. For some babies teeth come up little late"

Later whenever we encountered such serious people, I used to ask them "Did you see any human being on earth without teeth?"

Well, they felt little embarrassed and usually used to change the topic.

When for the first time we noticed a tiny diamond inside Jia's mouth, we felt so happy. Well, it happened when she was on her 18th month. Now she got quite a few of them.

When Jia was 10 months old, Anjali joined back office. We had to keep her in a nearby creche for the entire day. Some serious people, particularly few very caring and sincere aunties were quite disturbed with that. Initially she cried a lot, but it didn’t take her much longer to adjust herself in such a friendly and lively environment. She made many new friends and she really enjoys her time out there. But still some people think that we’re cruel enough to keep our little angel in such a place. They seriously believe that we’re not good parents.

This post is written for Indiblogger’s "Condition Serious Hai!" contest, in association with Cadbury 5 Star


  1. We encounter them in every walk of our daily life isnt it? Sad but true. Especially when it comes to our "parenting" abilities. Good luck for thr contest Jahid

    1. Yes Sid :) we encounter such people in everyday life. Well, as far as parenting is concerned, people always like to give gyans about their parenting abilities. Thanks for the good wish and also for dropping by!!

  2. Oh, that's so true about aunties and uncles trying to interfere in others lives. I leave my daughter in a creche too because of conditions that cannot be avoided, but there are many in our apartment who ask me several times and try to sympathize where as the truth is my daughter is well adjusted in her creche and enjoying her time there :)

    1. Yes even Jia also enjoys a lot in her creche. Some people just simply can't digest of keep babies in creche and use to sympathize "Isss Poor baby" :) Thanks for dropping by Prasanna !!

  3. I have been told by a very serious uncle many times to reduce the volume..and guess what he was travelling with me in a bus and I had headphones on. He did not even want to be able to hear the faint tunes that somehow managed to be heard by all.

    1. Hehe.. the uncle must be very serious :) BTW were U using one of those Chinese made headphones? :) Well, even with that it would be difficult for anyone to guess the track :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  4. Enjoyed reading this one.. Best of luck with the contest :-)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for the wishes Maniparna :)

  5. Nice to connect through Indiblogger. Enjoyed your post. This is the second contest-related one about aunties. Now I would fall in that category, but don't consider myself a nosy-killjoy type. Do post about interesting and sympathetic aunties and uncles some time

    1. Thanks Monideepa, glad U enjoyed the post. Nice to know that U don't suffer from the seriousness disease :) Yeah, i would try to write something interesting about sympathetic aunties and uncles as well. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  6. Jahid! Seriously funny! Really enjoy the progression of your story! Love it!

    1. Thanks A Long :) so glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  7. See, feels bad to say but I've faced a terrible level of seriousness in context of 12th ke marks and getting admission into a college... those days were like disaster for me. Sach hai, people ki halath bari serious hai. :/

    Btw, a very nice and entertaining post. All the best. :)

    1. Hehe.. nice to know that even U also experienced terrible level of seriousness after your 12th board exams :) Yes, "Some people ki haalaat bohut hi serious hai" So glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for Ur wishes and visiting out here Namrata !!

  8. Best of luck Jahid, you have made such a lovely post.. I enjoyed it a lot :)

    1. Thanks Aunt Mary :) Glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by !!

  9. You write less for contests but I was sure you will write for this,fantastic take on the topic read mine at Condition Serious Hai

    1. Hehe delighted to know that U were expecting my take on this :) Glad U enjoyed the post and yes, your "Paan Khaye Uncle Ji Hamaro" is quite hilarious :) thanks for dropping by !!

  10. nice one Jahid, did you have to really rake your brains to think about all these 'serious' conditions or did they all come flowing out?

    1. Aha! So nice to see your comment Mehroo :) Well, now what to say? Just write whatever shits keep flowing out :) So glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  11. I loved the flow of this lively post, Jahid. All the best for the contest. :) :)

    - Rahul

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Rahul. Thank U so much for Ur wishes and also for visiting out here !!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Ratan, glad U liked the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  13. Hahaha.....Good take on the prompt. Captivating and entertaining.:D
    All the best for the contest! :)

    1. Thanks Nikhil :) Glad U enjoyed the post and found it entertaining. Thanks a lot for the wishes and also fro dropping by !!

  14. went through you post after a long time. YOU ARE GETTING BETTER. carry on :)

    1. Hehe Thanks Mridu :) Bas Aap logo ki kripa hai, do keep visiting out here :)

  15. enjoyed it thoroughly, really a good post, could not stop laughing ...
    and yes all the best for the contest Jahid.

    1. Thanks Debashish. There must be something about this post, U usually don't comment :) Thanks for Ur wishes dude and thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  16. I smiled throughout the post :)
    seriously "bhut logo ki condition serious hai" :D

    1. Hehe.. so glad U enjoyed the post and it could bring smile on Ur face :) Yes, U'r correct "Bohut Logon Ki Condition Serious Hai" :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here Viditi !!

  17. Why so serious! Best wishes for the contest

    1. Hehe Shrinidhi :) Thanks for visiting out here and for Ur lovely wishes !!

  18. Good one Jahid , keep it up.

    1. Hehe Sinha :) After a long time. Glad U enjoyed the post !!

  19. I always enjoy reading your posts jahid.
    What you have written is very true.We must learn to live and let live.
    Good luck for the contest.

    1. So nice of you Indu Ji :) Glad U enjoyed the post and yes, we should learn live and let live. Thanks a lot for your lovely wish !!

  20. do u remember the serious face tuku used to give and the one bhushan used to pretend.. Both of them with a common intention that others take them seriously... Although both were different expressions..

    1. Haha.. we all took them very seriously right? :) Tuku was more of a angry young man kind of. Bhushan tried something different. But both failed in their approach :)

  21. A funny take Jahid! The neighboring aunties (include uncles as well) are more annoying when coming to marks and comparisions

    1. Thanks Uma :) Yes, neighbors are always annoying whenever results are out. Glad U enjoyed the post !!

  22. Found this post via Authentic Blogger group on Facebook. I try to tell folks that "seriousness" will run your blood pressure up! :)

    1. Thanks Treathy :) So glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, seriousness definitely turns out BP up. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  23. These days its very important for both parents to work, and there are endless ways where you can keep the child safely. However housewife aunties cannot digest this and they keep sympathizing for the child and judge us as parents. This is very difficult to tolerate as I have been and still am in that phase. Over time we should just let it go as nooone should tell us how we should raise our child ! Nicely written!

    1. Yes Anita, it's really annoying when others sympathize and try to judge us as parents when we keep our little ones in such places. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  24. I've no idea why some serious families hate the bachelors so much?
    I'll tell you ,
    Cause when they see bachelor's they miss the life they could have had from the life that they chose.
    Wish you luck !

    1. Hehe.. You are correct Disha :) they might miss such exciting life which they couldn't have. Thanks a lot for your wish and also for visiting out here !!

  25. That lady become serious because.......... I bet with my all 100% that you people don't see her in a civilised manner.
    And thnx for sharing your worriedness about your daughter teeth, even my daughter;s teeth are yet to come. she is in her 11 months and her brother who is 1 week younger has 4 teethes. Now my worriedness has gone almost.

    1. Hehe.. Mintoo nice to se your comment :) we all were always very decent and looked her in a very civilized manner :) Yes, don't worry about the teeth, people will say many serious things and just ignore them. Thanks for visiting here dude !!

  26. Yeah in India specially people are so serious. They call cops to stop a party.Booze is looked down upon. having fun in India is a big no-no.they are high in the advice option 'gyan' guru i call them! We all need to take a chill-pill really. Btw good read.

    1. Hehe.. very true Nima :) People are very serious and quite difficult to party our own way. Police call is very common, I thing more due to ego rather than disturbance. Yes, people enjoy to give advice. So glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  27. At last, you people enjoy your drinks after paying 500 bucks each of you but we had not that much of luck. In my part, police came at 1 am, they took our only player because speakers has long and complicated wiring, only owner know the silk route. we stay few hrs at police station until one friend came and took us by paying good amount. Our crimes, we composed few songs and dancing moves for our songs.

    1. Hehe nice to know that the police took away your music player and you guys had to spend few hours at the police station :) The neighbors must felt very happy about it :)

  28. What a beautiful post, Jahid:-) I so enjoyed it. Very cute daughter - with teeth Ha ha :-) :-) Loved the humor, love and warmth that comes through..:-) Best of luck in the competition:-)

    1. Thanks Eli, so glad you enjoyed the post and for your lovely compliments about it :) Thanks a lot for your good luck !!

  29. he he...sabki condition serious hai :)

    1. Hehe.. Ekta :) Yes, Sabki condition serious hai :) Hamari aur aapki bhi :)

  30. Seriously Jahid! Very nicely expressed & I could relate with some points viz. leaving kid at the creche. What alternative do working parents have?
    Condition serious of all these serious people, who have problems & give us Gyaan! Hope they have 5 Star & leave us in peace! :)

    1. Thanks Anita, glad U enjoyed the post and could relate to it as well. Yes, we don't have any other alternative other than creche and I also wish such people have 5 star and just chill :) Thanks for dropping by !!

  31. seriously this seriousness disease is getting serious day by day :P !! i recently encountered serious aunties asking my 12th board results and entrance rank and some still confused why i'm not serious like them :P !

    nicely narrated post ! :)

    1. Yes, there are many serious people around us and they also want us to be serious like them :) Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for dropping by, Crimson Curls !!

  32. Lol..! True! Seriousness is indeed an epidemic! But you know, some people don't suffer from this disease, they revel in it!! (of course its antithesis! Revel and seriousness doesn't go together!)

    1. Hehe.. Yeah, there are many serious people around us :) Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!!

  33. Pretty spontaneous Jahid :-). Good work.

    1. Thanks Antara :) glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by!!

  34. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed the post, Ila :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  35. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed the post, Nagendra :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here!!
