
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Tuku The Funda, Part-1

My dear friend Tuku, used to be quite a famous personality at hostel. He’s from one of the most famous town in Assam named Jorhat. People from Jorhat usually are very decent and they speak very sweet as well. The place can be kind of compared with Lucknow with it's sweet and Sudh Hindi, along with the traditional “Pehle Aap, Pehle Aap" decent kind of attitude of the people out there. It seemed Tuku was popular with the name Shiva in his home town before he joined the engineering college. But unfortunately Shiva name couldn’t become that popular in our college and he became famous with the name Tuku. There’s an interesting story behind the name Shiva. Actually Shiva is the name of one of the most famous Ram Gopal Varma  action movie, which was released when we were kids. The movie is based on college politics and is one of the best Indian action movies I’ve ever watched. In the movie the hero Shiva, use to ride his bicycle and in one of the scene, the goons wait for him with their hockey sticks and all. For all those who watched the movie might remember the famous cycle chain scene, where Siva use to pull his cycle chain in the very first attempt and roll it within his arm to take on the goons. Well, our Tuku was very much influenced with the movie and particularly with the chain scene. It seemed, once they had a fight at school and Tuku tried to pull the chain of his bicycle. He tried several times, but he just couldn’t pull the chain out of it completely. Well, from that day onward his school friends started to call him Shiva.

We were fortunate enough to have witnessed several interesting Tuku incidents at hostel. One day I was inside his room and was discussing about one of our batch mates and his extreme form of smoking habit. I commented about that guy and said "He’s such a chain smoker and how could he smoke two cigarettes consecutively, one after another?"

Tuku started to laugh with his typical and little weird kind of expression and replied "Hmm Hmm… Did you ever tried yourself or watched anyone in the hostel to have 5 cigarettes consecutively one after another?"

I replied "My goodness! No, never and I don’t know anyone who do like that. I mean, why the hell anyone would do that?"

Tuku started to smile with his trademark expression, with a little bit of proud self-esteem.

Well, guys usually enjoy to take pride about their consumption of heavenly spirits and the proud factor is directly proportional to the intake capacity. In one similar kind of incident, as some friends were inside a room and gossiped about the previous night party. One of the friends commented on a different friend "He's a damn tanky man and can consume hell lot of fluids"

It seemed Tuku didn't like those words much and asked everyone "What's the maximum number of pegs you guys ever had?"

Everyone got little confused and some replied as 5,6,8 etc. Few of them replied that they never counted as such. 

Then Tuku asked "Did anyone ever tried 20 pegs?"

Everyone was surprised and said "20 pegs? How could anyone have 20 pegs?"

Tuku started to smile with his trademark expression, along with those similar kind  of proud self-esteem.

In yet another incident that occurred during our first semester, some of our friends along with few of the seniors were enjoying their usual kind of spirit session in one of the rooms. I didn't have the opportunity to have experienced the delightful incident live and only got to know about that the next day. Tuku was narrating some of his heroic performances during his school days. The other guys listened to his stories with full concentration and enjoyed every bits of it. Tuku said that they used to have quite an infamous and notorious gang in his home town. Not only the common people, but even some of the policemen and local media as well, were disturbed with their activities. He continued to narrate his interesting stories and then he told about one of his best friends. It seemed his friend’s father was very much annoyed with him because of his daring activities and one day his father simply asked him to leave the house. So his friend went to Mumbai and had to struggle for a few months out there. But true talent never gets waste and one day his friend came in touch with the great D company. Within a few days after he joined the company, it seemed the D was very much impressed with him. Well, D used to be a decent guy those days and almost lived like the king of Mumbai. 

Tuku continued his thrilling story and said that one evening his friend was enjoying his drink with the D. 
D said to his friend "You are doing a wonderful job and I’m really impressed with your work. I really need more talented guys like you"

It was such a proud moment for his friend, but he was also very shy and replied "Aree Sir, Who am I? I’ve one very close friend from my home town and if you meet him and see his performance, you would simply go crazy"

D was very impressed and said "Aree Wah! Please bring your friend out here and I would love to meet such an individual"

Everyone in the room was pretty much excited and also sounded little curious. Some of them asked "Actually your friend was mentioning about whom?"

Tuku started to smile with his trademark expression and his self-respect was clearly visible on his face that moment.

Immediately the room jolted with all those applauds and someone asked Tuku "So did get any offer from the D company?"

Tuku replied "Yeah, last time I went home during Durga Pooja vacation, my friend was in town and he conveyed me with their offer. He tried to convince me a lot so that I could have worked with him"

Other guys replied "Wow! That’s really great. So did you accept the offer?"

With his usual smile Tuku replied “Are you guys mad? How could I join D company just like that? I mean its fine (little shy) Come on! I don’t want to join them”


  1. Tuku seems interesting character

    1. Yes, Tuku is a very interesting person :)

  2. Lol..D Company...You must have had crazy time during your Engineering Days.. :)
    And With the Chain incident..I remember one When did I beat up one Guy with my cycle chain..I didn't pull out my cycle chain actually it was broken..I so badly beaten him that he was all nose bleeding and not to mention even I got some hit and was bleeding as well..That time I was in class 10

    1. Yes, Harsha Engineering days was so much fun :) Nice to know that you were a fighter right from Ur school days. Hmm.. U guys enjoyed some bloodshed and also the chain experience as well :)

  3. Good read. Shiva movie was epic man thanks for refreshing my mind about that. Amazing movie . Action was so refreshing compared to Mithun's action. I used to adore mithun before that and after that movie i started hating mithun's movie.

    1. Yes, Shiva is such a nice movie. I watched it countless time. You could still watch it even now days also. Nice action and very well directed.

  4. Nice character..:D
    Lovely post sir..:)

    1. Yes, Tuku is very interesting. Glad u enjoyed the post Karan !

  5. very nice post, fun reading :)

    1. Thanks Aunt Mary. So glad U enjoyed the post :)

  6. Love your hostel anecdotes. First a one and a half kg chicken eating friend and now this hilarious fellow. Keep it up :)

    1. Thanks Khushboo :) Glad U could enjoy our hostel stories. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  7. Hehe... fun reading your anecdotes. I remember "Shiva" being a must watch those days. And I have a Tuku in my life too; my cousin sis. She aint anything like your friend Tuku though :P

    1. Thanks Namrota :) glad U enjoy our hostel incidents. Yes, Shiva is a must watch movie. Nice to know that U have some kind of a Tuku in Ur life :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank U so much Akrati :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  9. Ha ha good one, Jahid!!....Shiva was indeed one of those cult movies about college life n gangs,fights,etc.....really inspired our school going generation.....and again some very interesting insights to our very own AECian hostel life....:):)..Tuku zindabad!...:):)

    1. Haha.. Thanks Kaushik :) Shiva was such a fantastic and inspiring movie. Hostel life was so much fun. I hope Tuku read this, even though he's very inactive in any kind of social media :)

  10. You are a great story teller - captivating:-) I loved this Tuku guy:-)

    1. Thanks Eli :) Glad U like my stories. Yes, Tuku is a very interesting person !!

  11. Replies
    1. Thank U so much, glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  12. Hi Jahid,

    Thanks for stopping by :)

    You do have a way with words. Really enjoyed reading your post. I am your newest follower :)

    1. Thanks Pallavi :) glad U could enjoy the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here and also for the encouragement !!

  13. Love Tuku !! seems like a character straight from Bollywood movie :D


    1. Hehe.. yes, Tuku is a very interesting character, straight from Bollywood :) Glad U enjoyed the post Garima :)

    2. Hi , Jahid

      Festivel gift from my side . Liebster award nomination . Enjoy :D

    3. First of all congrats Garima for Ur Leibster award. So glad to know that U like Flashbacks and nominated it for the award. Thank U so much, it's really a pleasure and and honor. It's a sweet Diwali gift :)

  14. Quite an interesting character, Tuku.

    1. Yes Kalpana, Tuku is a very interesting person. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  15. I am glad to tell you that , I have nominated your blog for a Liebster Blog Award .:)
    Please check out the following link & go through the rules & guidelines for accepting the award.:)

    1. First of all, congrats for your Leibster award. Thank U so much Suraj. So glad U like my blog and considered it for the nomination. It's really a pleasure and an honor for me.

  16. taku is still searched ny RGV i guess.... Enjoyed reading it.

    1. Haha.. Neo :) Yes, RGV is still in search of Tuku. Glad U enjoyed the post !!
