
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Do Fatichar

After passing out of engineering college, I was in Delhi for quite a few months with some of my close hostel mates. Being a Computer Science passout, I always thought I should have gone to Bangalore. But some of my close buddies already booked their tickets to Delhi. The situation in Bangalore was also pretty much pathetic, as the market witnessed serious kind of recession during that time. Without applying much pressure to my brain, I simply opted to go with my friends to Delhi. Recruitment was almost frozen and especially for fresher’s, there wasn't much hope. We used to stay in some kind of a Dhobi Ghat in south Delhi. Well, it was basically a Dhobi Colony, but not those traditional Dhobi Ghats kind of. They used to wash clothes in giant washing machines which had some kind of a local flavor, pretty much similar to those kind of air coolers.

For a few months, I shared a small room with my dear friend Rajat. He’s from Mechanical branch and at least, they used to get some calls. Even though, those days were quite memorable, but was a little bit painful as well. Apart from the anxiety and the uncertainty about our future, one more headache was to have fed ourselves. Most of us learned to cook that time and it was quite a challenge to have satisfied out tummies. Some of our friends were very focused for their MBA and already started their CAT preparation and coaching. I never thought of MBA though, also it was little out of scope for me that time. I think Rajat was also on the same boat and that’s why we decided to share our room. 

We lived a Fatichar life style those days and on top of that, Delhi summer made our life much more miserable.  One late night, as our room was completely dark and I was busy shifting my sleeping position every now and then. I tried to make myself a little bit comfortable in order to have had some sleep.  All of a sudden Rajat asked from his bed "what’s up dude? Still awake?"

I replied "Yeah, trying to get some sleep"

We chatted for a couple of minutes and then he asked "Do you have any cigarettes left with you?"

I replied "No dude, I already lighted my last one just before we prepared to sleep"

Our conversation continued and suddenly Rajat switched on the light. It was 3:30 AM and he tried to look for a cigarette all over the room. Without much luck, he then looked for some healthy cigarette butts inside the ashtray. He lighted one and could only manage a couple of puffs and then felt the heat on his lips. Rajat was getting little desperate and started to look at all those empty packets. As I looked at him and his activities, even I also wanted one damn long puff, but none of the butts were at lightable condition. Oh! Shit, it’s such a mind game and we wanted it so badly. I also started to explore my luck and looked at every possible empty packet. It was already 4 AM and we didn't bother much for some sleep. Fortunately, all of a sudden luck turned our way and I could find a cigarette piece in one of the empty packets. Well,  that was a fresh and a completely unused one. As soon as I showed that damn thing to Rajat, his level of happiness was clearly visible on his jubilant face. He was extremely excited and I was almost about to have lighted our revere, but Rajat interrupted and said "Just wait a while, I would make some black tea"

Wow! That sounded extremely pleasing and within no time Rajat was ready with his tea. I offered him to light our ecstasy. Well, he truly deserved it that moment and his happiness was pretty much expressive while it came out, along with those long and smoky drags. The caffeine and the nicotine, along with our extreme kind of craving, created a mesmeric environment altogether. Oh! That was some kind of a moment and we felt highly satisfied like hell. We continued to chat about our uncertain future for almost another hour and then later, had some sound sleep early morning.

With this post, I completed my first century. I guess my post rate is quite slow, but still it’s some kind of a milestone.  


  1. Many congratulations on your century.

    1. Thank U so much Mridula :) I could remember U from the very begining. Thanks a lot for Ur support !!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Mr. Prasad :) Yes, it's a milestone !!

  3. Nice post...
    And congratulations on your century...:)

    1. Thanks Karan. Glad U liked the post and thanks for Ur congrats :)

  4. First of All Congrats on the Century..And as I said in your last post..Engineering Days are quite memorable,With all those cigarettes,Fatichar lifestyle...Oh I miss my days too.. :D

    1. Thanks Harsha. Yes, Engg days was full of fatichar life style. For us that kind of life style continued post engg days as well and that too more than a year :) Those days were quite memorable !!

  5. congrats for a ton,but cigarette smoking is injurious to health

    1. Thanks a lot dear. Yes, cigarette smoking is very injurious to health !!

  6. Congrats! I second Cifar, cigarette is injurious to health :)

    I remembered the days of my M.Sc FT first semester, I had stayed in Faridabad for a month in the month of September. As I am from coastal Karnataka, I was totally unaware of the summer of Delhi. OMG! It was hard to sleep even with a fan 'On'.

    Big question mark in my mind is, how could you enjoy tea and cigarette in those extreme summer days?

    1. Thanks Sindhu! September is quite pleasing actually. You should have stayed there during May-June-July and would have really enjoyed Ur stay out there. Haha.. tea/cigg is always welcome, any time :) thanks a lot for visiting out here Sindhu !!

  7. Congrats on your 100th post!
    Rate of posts don't matter Sir , quality does. In terms of that , you have done an excellent job!
    Keep writing!:)

    1. Thank U so much Nikhil. Extremely delighted that U liked my posts. Thanks a lot dude !!

  8. Congratulations on the 100th post! :D

  9. Congraats for ur 100 th post. Isi baat per ek Ciggrt ho jaye.

  10. congratulations on the century.. Eid Mubarak :)

    1. Thank U so much Meera. Eid Mubarak to U and Ur family !!

  11. Congrats on your 100th!!! :)
    And as always, great post!

    1. Thank U so much Sreesha :) Glad U could enjoy my posts !!

  12. interesting !!! we cant forget some memories...

    1. Yes Kranti, some memories are unerasable. Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  13. 100...congrats. So you are a comp science grad. Nothing like the time spent with friends.

    1. Thanks Alka Ji. Yes, I'm a Com Sc grad. U are absolutely correct, nothing like the time spent with friends.

  14. Congrats on your century :) Your posts always manage to bring a smile on lips :)

    1. Thanks a lot Prasanna :) I'm so delighted that my posts could bring smile on Ur lips :)

  15. Reminded me of the days when I struggled after my graduation, trying to find a job, the initial hurdles with accommodation and cooking...

    Congrats to you on passing on to better days. All the best.

    1. Yes Tomichan Sir, struggling days were tough but later become such a remarkable memory. Difficult time but that was such a learning phase. Glad this post could refresh Ur good old memories. Thank U so much for Ur best wishes !!

  16. congratulations..!!
    And I loved the reminded me of my ?"Job Hunt" days..

    1. Thanks a lot Anvi. Glad U liked the post and could refresh Ur good (or not so good) old memories :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here Anvi !!

  17. Congratulation on UR century, u got 100 but not out , website design in bangalore

  18. Reminded me of my engineering days!, though not fatichar lifestyle but late night talks and early morning sleeps!
    Good old days!!

    1. Glad U could refresh Ur good old engg days. Fatichar life style was fun though :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  19. congrats Jahid...keep blogging

  20. congrats Jahid.Isn't it strange how,when you have little even a small thing gives so much happiness.

    1. Thank U so much Indu Ji. Yes, quite often small things give us immense pleasure !!

  21. Replies
    1. Thanks Vanshu, glad U liked the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  22. Congratulations on the 100, Jahid. The things we got up to when we were young! ;)

    1. Thank U so much Corinne :) Hope U enjoyed few of my posts. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  23. Congrats on reaching 100 jahid! I see some old memories shared here :)

    1. Thank U so much Uma. Hmmm some old memories shared out here. Hope U enjoyed some my my memories. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  24. days of scarcity are the most joyous ones - i believe
    congratulations on ur 100th :)

    1. Even I also believe in the same. The more we get the more anxious,insecure and unhappy we become. But can't help it U know :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here and many thanks for the congratulation !!

  25. I remember nights like that in college....congrats on the milestone

    1. Yes, most of us enjoy such nights in college. Glad U could refresh Ur good old days. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Tootsie and many thanks for the congratulation !!

  26. Replies
    1. Thank U so much Mahi. Hope U enjoyed few of my posts. Many thanks for visiting out here !!

  27. Congratulations on the century! And it was a nice piece from your earlier days. Friends, even though phatichars, are a treasure to cherish. :-)

    1. Thank U so much Rekha! Yes, friends are always treasure to cherish. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  28. Congrats Jahid, you have a great blog, keep sharing the wonderful posts :)

    1. Thank U so much Aunt Mary :) Glad U like my blog !

  29. After a long time, today i found your blog....I always think that if your writing and thinking style are this level then how is your voice.....You should be a good RJ also.....god bless u dear......don't stop blogging......we all always in your heart........

    1. Thank U so much Shuvendu. Glad U liked my blog. Haha :) my voice is very horrible. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  30. With such readership I doubt you need to worry abt anything.congratulations on century .nice read....dxbnidblog

    1. Thanks Pastiche :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  31. Congratulations on 100th Post Jahid! :D

    1. Thanks Yamini :) Thanks for dropping by !!
