
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Independence Day

My heartfelt Independence Day celebration was way back during my school days, particularly till my 9th standard. Independence Day used to be much more for us, than just a whole day break from our regular boring classrooms. Everyone enthusiastically used to participate in the flag hoisting ceremony and we felt extremely delighted when the flag used to unfold itself up in the air and the flowers fell down. It’s always a pleasure to see the Tricolor flag blowing freely in the wind and on some days when it was not very windy, I felt really depressed. 

Immediately after the flag hoisting, sweets were being distributed and the field was all set for parade followed by fabulous cultural show. It was great fun out there and guys like us particularly waited for some refreshments and our School never disappointed us on that. The organizers used to distribute oranges, chocolates at regular intervals and also provided lunch. I remember one incident of orange distributions when one of my notorious friends took my share of the orange piece as well. He already had his share and I was cool enough and thought he’s simply having some fun. As soon as he unsealed my share of orange I got little tensed and asked him to give me at least half of that. I was completely shocked when he put the entire thing inside his mouth. His mouth became completely round and he continued to chew like a cow till he completely swallowed the damn thing inside.

As I grew older my mind started to become corrupt and after my 9th standard it was kind of rotted. I used to avoid flag hoisting at school and the cultural show didn't fascinate me any longer. I preferred to play cricket match rather than wasting my time at School on Independence Day.  From last so many years I used to remain inside the house and don’t remember when last time I watched the early morning Independence Day flagship event, by our honorable PM on TV. After my school days, 15 August was like any other normal holiday for me. Usually I don’t even wish people "Happy Independence Day" like I use to wish on their Birthdays, on festivals and on the occasion of New Year. I find it extremely difficult to do something which doesn't come from my heart and sometimes I feel so unpatriotic about it.

Till last few years my patriotism was limited to Indian cricket team. But after all the scandals, match fixing and the ugly commercialization of cricket, now a days I feel unpatriotic for the game as well. I haven’t done anything good for the nation apart from paying my taxes, anyways that’s mandatory. On few occasions I’ve donated few bucks to some NGOs and my mind is corrupted to such an extent that sometimes I even doubt the NGOs as well. To be honest, my mindset is not limited to any geographical region and if it would have been on my hand, I would have made the entire world as one country. I know its nonsense and unpractical, but I wish people would be free from the burden of GOD, Religion and any kind of geographical barrier in future. 

Patriotism is not only limited to a country and could be much narrower. The way people of particular region are beaten up in another particular region, the way people are demanding for new states, only prove that. But I know people are usually good and innocent, it’s only politics which ruin them. But whatever, one thing I can’t deny that no matter wherever I might be? No matter on what mood I’m? Till now whenever I had the opportunity to listen to our national anthem, something unusual kind of chemical reaction occurred inside my body. My heart seemed to be much lighter, I used to get calm and everything seemed to be so peaceful and soothing. On every such occasion I used to get goosebumps and few times even couple of teardrops poured through my eyes. 


  1. Politics does corrupt the people.
    And so true about the national anthem. :)
    Happy Independence day greetings to you!

    1. Thanks Indrani. Yes, Politics does corrupt the people. Glad U feel the same for our national anthem. Happy Independence day to u too!

  2. Though i could relate myself to so many things but the best part was mention of national Anthem. It has some mystical effect that sends me into a trance of emotions, patience and Josh all at once. RIP Rabindra Nath Tagore. Thank you for sharing this touchy post.

    1. Thanks Neo, glad U could relate to it. Yes, our national anthem has an amazing effect on us. Happy Independence Day to U!

  3. That you thought about it and wrote such a wonderful article, proves that you still feel patriotic. Thanks for stirring some "Chemical reactions" in me too with this article! Wish you a Very Happy Independence Day. Jai Hind :)

    1. Thanks Sandeepan for ur nice words :) The chemical reaction is is so true. Thanks for Ur wishes, Happy independence to U too!

  4. I guess Jahid Politics has gone into your head as well.. :-P and you correctly mention that religion,politics never unite us,they only differentiate and create differences..
    But then again This is our Country and we just can't give up because we know,this Country has given us enough reason to stand for it,for its betterment and being an Indian Citizen I feel responsible towards this Country... :-)

    BTW "Happy Independence Day" and I am Proud to be an Indian.. :-)

    1. Politics and Religion are the mail culprit, well I believe so. Thanks for Ur wishes. Happy Independence Day to U too!

  5. I guess I am in the stage where you used to prefer playing cricket rather than watching the speech.
    And even I feel that politics and other factors have worked to reduce my interest.
    Nice write..:)
    Happy Independence Day to you..:D

    1. Thanks Karan. It seems we are on the same boat. Thanks for Ur wishes and Happy Independence Day to U too!

  6. Jahid

    the last line ----it's the same with me -----a surge and a feeling of ownership and belonging emerges whenever I hear the national anthem

    thanks for this post
    Jai Hind

    happy Independence Day

    1. Thanks Rajni Ji. Yes, Our national anthem is just amazing and we could feel the sense of ownership and belonging whenever we hear it. Thanks for Ur wishes and Happy Independence Day to U too!

  7. A very 'straight from the gut' kind of post, I must say ! I feel we can't blame all ills on politics alone, as somewhere we as 'citizens' have to take responsibility. So on the contrary, I don't really think there is any 'good and innocent'... we get only what we deserve.

    1. So true. Citizens must have to take some responsibility and also there's nothing good/bad, everyone gets what they deserve. I think we should play our part and the rest we should leave up to our destiny. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  8. Wish you a happy independence day.

    I fully agree with your thoughts on the patriotism and the problems we have in India now. Most of the problems are because of our chalta hai attitude. Only blaming the government... no solution is possible, we need to reach at the grass root level. Lets try our best, however small it is... in the nation building.

    1. Thank U so much.Happy Independence Day to U too. Yes, we should play our part and only blaming government would not solve anything.

  9. I feel that celebrating Independence Day is for those who fought and lost their lives for the life we have today. We should respect them. Just a few minutes enough for that.

    1. Yes Udaya, we should celebrate Independence Day to pay tribute to our freedom fighters. Many people have done enough sacrifices for our independence. Happy Independence Day to U!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Aparna :) Happy Independence Day to U too!

  11. Saare jahaan se accha Hindustan hamara, hum bulbulen hain uski, ye gulsitan hamara hamara... Happy Independence Day and yes all that you have narrated is just like a flashback. I used to watch ID Parade from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

    1. Thanks Mr Pasha. I'm glad U liked the post and could refresh Ur memories. Thanks for Ur wishes and Happy Independence Day to u too!

  12. Happy independence day to friend. May we be finally free of corruption this year.

    1. Thank U so much Satyadeep. Happy Independence Day to U too and lets hope this year we could live peacefully and with dignity!

  13. I enjoyed reading your post. I learnt something new, that Indian Independence Day is on August 15th. Hopefully I'll remember that the next time there's some geography trivia quiz. I like how your school gave out free treats to the students and had a flag raising ceremony as well. I also feel a bit disappointed when a flag doesn't rise in the wind when it's hoisted up the pole.

    1. Thanks Carlyn, glad to know U enjoy reading my posts. Yeah, usually it's a kind of festival in almost all the schools out here on Independence Day. Hehe.. it's really disappointing a flag doesn't rise in the wind when it's hoisted up the pole. Thanks for visiting out here Carlyn!

  14. Wish you a happy independence day, the very fact that you don't want to do something that doesn't come from within shows me what a genuine person you are. If there are people like you in our country there is still hope and for the sake of that hope, I have sent these wishes to you.

    1. Thank U so much dear and Happy Independence Day to U too. Thanks for such nice words, I'm honored.

  15. Ur post reminded me of all those amazing independence day celebrations in school, when we independence day was like a festival and was celebrated. True, politics does pollute the patriotism but then life does come a full circle...when v see rampant corruption around us out patriotism does revive to change things around us for a better tomorrow. Happy Independence Day!

    1. Yes Shaivi, it was like a festival in school days. Politics do pollute patriotism and we should always hope for a better tomorrow. Thanks for Ur wishes and Happy Independence Day to U too!

  16. Jahid Bhai .. I am touched to read your thoughts .. and confess even I had developed similar feelings about the nation due to these hurting events be it scams and coruption , rape or regional and religious riots ..
    Soon I realized ... I am behaving an ostrich ..digging my head down and expecting .. the problems to go away .. goosebumps ran through when I realized I am being pessimistic about a land which gives me my identity ..I just thought at least I should see what fellow Indians feel about matters that bother me .. I found like I was, many were not even bothered knowing whats going on .. and why should they .. everyone have almost given up hope but then I thought through humour I can keep people informed and then was born .I thought,Sooner than later will have few people and then more and more .. to be able to strike conversations and attempt changes be patriotic to the motherland.. So far .. I feel .. I am unable to create awareness ... but I think I will hang on .. till the last breath .. to die trying I choose ... who knows someday the hopelessness in many dies down and India become worth terming Mahan !!

    1. Thanks Jack, glad that U could relate yourself to the post. I knew from the beginning about, U are doing a very good thing. U are capable of creating awareness in Ur unique style with humor. Keep up the good work and a Happy Independence Day to U. Hope is a good thing!

  17. nice write up. happy independence day. :)

    1. Thanks Meera :) glad U liked the post. Thanks for Ur wishes and a very Happy Independence Day to U!

  18. Happy Independence Day, Enjoy!!!

    1. Thanks Ranjan Sir and a very Happy Independence Day to U as well. Thanks for visiting out here!

  19. Happy Independence Day !!!
    What you say is true... and unfortunately, for most of us, 15th Aug has just been reduced to a holiday and not beyond...

    1. Thanks Dwiti, Happy Independence Day to U too. Yes, U R very true,15th Aug has just been reduced to a holiday and not beyond and there are several reasons for that. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  20. Nice post Jahid :) It's true that after school days, Independence Day celebrations changes a lot :( Indeed me too have experienced the goosebumps whenever listening to our National anthem and as well as to some patriotic songs. I wish 'Unity in Diversity' should be practically applied and followed rather than just referring to it only as a quote.

    Happy Independence Day :)

    1. Thanks Sushmitha, Happy Independence Day to U as well. Yeah, after school days Independence Day celebrations changed a lot for most of us. Very well said "Unity in Diversity" should be practically applied and followed rather than just referring to it only as a quote.

  21. I experience similar feeling while listening to National Anthem, as yours. Now I attend to think on Essential Issues before the People, and ignore political / social extravaganza that is taking place...

    1. Nice to know that U had similar experience listening to National Anthem. It's really great that U try to address essential Issues before the People. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Mr Remigius!

  22. Replies
    1. Thanks dear, Happy Independence day to U too!

  23. Wonderful post, Jahid. I totally second the National Anthem and goose-bumps connection! Happy Independence Day to you! (PS - If you remember your orange being taken away, you must have known how sweet it could have been. And I'm guessing it's your favourite fruit? :)

    1. Thanks Sakshi, glad U liked the post. Nice to know about the common connection! Haha.. oranges at our place are so so sweet :) specially the oranges from our neighbor country Bhutan. Ya U are correct, Orange is my favorite fruit and can easily finish 10-15 in one siting :)

  24. Thoughtful post Jahid. Happy Independence Day!

    1. Thanks Kelly for Ur wishes. Glad U liked the post and than U so much for visiting out here!
