
Tuesday 5 March 2013

My Friend Mustaque, Part-3

My Friend Mustaque, Part-1

It was already dinner time and we were about to go to our hostel mess, in another 10 to 15 minutes. In the meanwhile we continued our typical, as well as idle kind of chitchats. It was pretty common for us to gather in any damn room before dinner, specially in rooms where we could smell some kind of gathering. Everyone would sit comfortably in the bed and used to discuss on any random topic, mostly meaningless topics though, while the cigarette switched hands very frequently.  That particular evening, we were discussing about Celine Dion, the lady vocalist of the famous Titanic song "My Heart Will Go On". All of a sudden Mustaque entered the room with a bang and he had no clue what we were discussing about, that moment. He might have heard few words of our conversation and he didn’t hesitate to participate in the discussion and said "Celina Jaitly to bohut m*** hai"     "Celina Jaitly is damn sexy"

One of my friend couldn't stop his laughter and another friend clarified Mustaque “Hehe dude! we were actually discussing about Celine Dion."

There was no doubt that Mustaque didn't listen him properly and to be honest he was not a good listener at all. Mustaque gave his view one more time and said "Sunny Deol ka to maat bolo"   "Don’t talk about Sunny Deol and his movies, he alone can take on 100 opponents and that too without any scratch on his body." The room jolted with our loud and collective laughter and again one of my friend tried to clarify him "Dude, we were discussing about Celine Dion, the Titanic Singer"

Mustaque started to laugh that moment and along with his trademark slang, he almost screamed "Oh! Ceelaane...”  


  1. Just goes to show what can happen when one doesn't listen.

    1. Exactly, one should be a good listener too!

  2. haha.. interesting.. nice read.. whatever story it is, every time, you surprise us with such an engrossing narration.. seems you had loads of fun then.. looking forward for more episodes from your revisiting hostel series :D

    1. Thanks a lot :) Definitely, we have hell lot of stories in those 4 years :)

  3. That was quite interesting_superb!

  4. college days are the best I suppose and each day has a story then narrated it quite well..was a fun read...

    1. Yes, college days are the best. You are correct, every day had a story. It would have been so nice if someone could have maintained a diary during those days :)

  5. Ur friend is indeed very interesting. Loads of memories u can recollect, blog & we can enjoy reading!

    1. Yeah, he was indeed very interesting. I am glad you enjoy our good old memories!

  6. Those were the best days, Jahid. Joy to read the series...:)Thanks for sharing...

    1. Thanks U so much. I am glad U enjoyed the series!

  7. hahahaha....good one :)

  8. Nice :) Having fun with friends is what all need..

    1. Exactly Sushmitha :) fun with friends is what all need..

  9. glad that i came in late, got to read the whole series at one go!! very well written!!

    1. Thanks U so much. I am glad that U enjoyed the series!

  10. Hey Jahid...Hilarious one! don't seem to run out of stories...and each of them is filled with humour....I like reading your memoirs...nice way of reminiscing too!! waiting for more! :)

    1. Thanks U so much Akash :) I am glad U enjoy reading my memories!
