
Saturday 19 January 2013

One Great Escape, Part-3

One Great Escape, Part-1                

Next morning, on 13th Sept 2003, at 6:30 AM, Parag Da heard some irritating noise.

"Wake up, wake up"

Parag Da whispered in his dream "Ummm... Let me sleep. What the hell?"

"Wake up quickly, we have to go a long way. Come on dude... wake up"

Parag Da opened his eyes and looked here and there, he was a bit confused. He definitely needed few more hours of sleep. But very soon, he came back to the real world and immediately woke up. The guys asked him to get ready, as they had to go a long way and someone served him tea. After Parag Da had his tea, he started to feel the morning urge and with little shyness, he asked one of rebels that he would like to release his pressure. The guys discussed for a while and then one of them asked Parag Da to follow him. As soon as they came out of the house, Parag Da was fascinated to view a lovely landscape, just outside the house. Only a few meters away, there was a wonderful stream and the flowing water looked so refreshingly clean. 

The guy asked Parag Da to finish it quickly near the stream and stood just few yards away to guard him. The guy was holding his pistol pointing towards Parag Da, while Parag Da was releasing his urge. It was such an uncomfortable and embarrassing situation, but Parag Da managed it well and later cleaned himself in the running water of the stream. It was 7 AM and they started to walk through the meadows and continued for another 3-4 hours, without taking much rest in between. On the way Parag Da experienced some beautiful landscapes. It was completely green every where and some of the streams were amazing beautiful. 

At around 10:30 AM, they stopped at one more small house, where two more of their rebel colleague's joined them. Everyone had lunch out there and immediately got ready to leave. One of the guys, who joined them recently, looked little familiar  to Parag Da, as it reminded him of keanu reeves. Actually, Parag Da watched the matrix movie quite recently that time. Everyone started to walk and most of the time they walked up the slope. Without stopping much, they continued to walk. The forest was getting denser after every successive hour. One of the guys was holding an axe and he had to clear the jungle number of times, in order to make way for them to move forward.  At 3:30 PM, Parag Da saw few more small houses on the way. That place was partially inhabited in the middle of the forest. At 4 PM, they stopped at another house, where 2 more of their colleagues were waiting for them. They stayed there for about 15 minutes and after tea/biscuits, they left from there. That time, there were 6 abductors with Parag Da.  One of the new guys was holding a big weapon and later Parag Da came to know that it was actually AK56. They continued to walk and the forest was very dense and wild. The guy with the axe had to struggle a lot to clear the jungle to make way for them. 

They walked for another 3 hours and it was already dark. At 7 PM, they stopped at a house in the middle of a hill. Everyone had dinner out there and 2 more of their colleague's joined them there. Parag Da was sure that it was quite a pre planned abduction but he was so confused “Why me?” 

After dinner it was the hardest kind of trekking for Parag Da, as the slope was very stiff. They continued to trek up the hill for another 3 to 4 hours and finally at around 10:30 PM, they stopped near a stream. It was very dark out there, in the middle of a dense forest and Parag had a blurred view of the stream and could hear the sound of the flowing water. Parag Da noticed 3 temporary kind of camps which were set up in a straight line, one after another in a vertical slope of the hill. Totally there were 8 rebels and Parag Da had to sleep in between two of the them, in  the middle camp. There were mosquitoes all over the place, but fortunately they had mosquito nets. Parag Da had never been so tired in his entire life and as soon as he lied down, he actually felt his blood that circulated throughout his entire body.

Image courtesy: google images

Next Part


  1. man-finish it serial

    1. Hehe dude... patience :) quite a long story.

  2. lol so there are great story tellers such as yourself and Deepak (I just loved Katy and Dug), who keep their readers engaged with their exciting story!

    Thanks a lot

    1. Thanks Aparna. "Katy and Dug" is really interesting!

  3. JAHID DA.... we'r waaiting.......

  4. thrilling account! waiting for next part!

    1. Thanks Meenakshi :) Will complete it soon!

  5. Thanks Freya. I am glad U found it interesting. Will complete the story soon :)

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Deepak. U r a damn good story teller!

  7. Lucky Parag Da to encounter such an incident.. I feel he was rather enjoying the kidnapping as a trip. At least he got a good change from the boring routine work atmosphere..
    I read all the three parts in one go.. Wanting for more.. Please don't keep us waiting like this in your next post.. Finish the entire story in the next post now... :)

    1. Thanks Sonia. Even though Parag Da was quite anxious all the time, but he enjoyed his days out there. I am glad U liked the story and read all the three parts in one go. Will try to complete the story soon :)

  8. Good thinking..... waiting to know what happened to Parag Da!

    1. Thanks a lot Mr Fayaz for stopping by. I am glad U liked the story. Will try to complete the it soon!

  9. Hi Jahid,

    Wow, it seems Parag Da is on his own adventures, similar to what Byomkesh Bakshi did. :)
    HAHA, now where did Keanu Reeves look-alike land in the jungle. Cool :p
    Waiting for the next part :)


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    1. Thanks Jay,

      I am really glad that U are enjoying this series. Will try to complete it soon :)
