
Sunday 13 January 2013

One Great Escape, Part-1

He maintained quite a low profile in college, all throughout his engineering days. His behavior towards his batch mates, seniors as well as juniors at hostel was quite different and it was extraordinarily decent. During my entire stay at hostel, I had never seen him getting angry at anything, even though he had quite a few opportunities.  On few occasions we witnessed his threshold level of anger, especially when any junior misbehaved with the seniors and at that moment he used to get annoyed and we heard him speaking a little harshly politely "Tur okomaan besi hoise de" "You are crossing your limit dude"

He was the epitome of laziness. I remember, once I, along with few of my friends were watching a movie and in one of the scene we cracked a joke about him. The scene was something like this “One of the character in the movie was irritated, as a fly was roaming in and around his nose and sometimes even dared to sit out there, in the middle of the 2 holes. He was disturbed and not able to sleep, so he requested his friend who was sleeping beside him to get rid of the fly”

He was an extreme kind of a sports fan and particularly cricket. Sometimes after our usual and meaningless late night gossips, we used to go to the common room and on few occasions we saw him, all alone in the entire common room. He was 2 years senior to us and we could see him holding the remote control, the television was tuned to some sports channel. In those odd hours such channels usually telecast-ed highlights of some old test match, by old I mean 70’s or 80’s. 

Someone would say "Hey! Parag Da, what the hell are you watching?"

Parag Da, usually used to shy that moment and would give the remote to him and say "Take it dude, I was just about to go"

It was a little difficult for us to find him at the hostel, as he could have been at any corner of the hostel, except his  own room. He never used to lock his room, not even during the holidays. Apart from a pair of table-chair and a bed, there was literally nothing in his room. Guys who used to play regular cricket, loved to keep the cricketing stuffs inside his room. The entire hostel just loved our Parag da. 

After passing out of college, when I was in the initial days of my first job, I got a shocking news from my friends. I was totally stunned to hear that our Parag da was being kidnapped by suspected ultras of a powerful extremist organization. I was equally amused to hear that Parag da managed to escape from their custody. None of my friends had the exact story that time and I was so curious to know about that in details. I tried to contact Parag da that time but unfortunately couldn’t. During one vacation when I was at Guwahati, somehow I got to know his number and I called him that time. I wanted to know his story but he said to me,  with his usual laugh and politeness "Will surely tell you dude, may be when we meet next time."

I think he was quite bored to repeat the same story, so many times. Unfortunately we couldn't meet, but one of my friend narrated me the original version of the story, that time.

Image courtesy: google images


  1. Today only I replied to your comment at someones blog.. saying I have not read you from quite sometime.. thanks for posting!!

  2. Right and you left us Wanting to hear that story ..


    1. Hehe Bikram :) else it would have been a long post :)

  3. You created a suspense over here...

    1. Hehe dude :) Will have to write soon then :) Thanks for ur interest :)

  4. It is not fair Jahid, you did not finish the Anjali part of your flashback! :)

    1. Sunil Sir, I would definitely complete all my stories... Long way to go :)
      I sincerely appreciate ur interest for my stories!

  5. Replies
    1. Very soon dude. It would definitely be my next post and would like to do some research before posting it :)

  6. Nice story! Just bumped into your blog. GUess I have to come again .. :)

    1. Thank U so much Ankan. Please keep visiting :)

  7. looking forward to the next part ! this one left me intrigued :)

    1. Thanks a lot for stopping by. Would complete it shortly :)

  8. Beautiful narration. It feels m listening a friend of mine. Jahid if u find time just read mine and give some of your valuable advice. Waiting

    1. Thanks a lot dude. Had a look at ur blog,you have a very nice space out there. Keep blogging!

  9. Nice write up Jahid :)...Eagerly waiting to read the next part :)

    1. Thanks Diana,

      I have already posted the 2nd part :)

  10. Nice and easy start. Well written! It would be a good idea to edit this post and add link to the next part at the end of this one to maintain the continuity as I do..


    1. Thanks a lot Arti for the wonderful idea. I will definitely do that.

  11. Hi Jahid ! I have nominated your blog for Liebster Blog award. Please follow the instructions provided in the link Congratulations Jahid and Happy Blogging!

    1. Thank U so much Diana.It's an honor and I am very much delighted. Will surely follow the instruction, just give me some time :)
