
Thursday 20 December 2012

We looked up into the sky all day long

When one of my friend call me that day and said "We are planning to go for Bangalore Air Show, are you in?". To be honest I didn't have much idea about the show and was not very much interested. But when I heard that a hell lot of friends are going and the show would be almost a full day event which would be held at the outskirts of Bangalore, I was very much excited. All of us eagerly waited for the day as we believed it would be a great outing for a day. We started early morning along with few friends and everyone met at the venue. Initially I was more interested for the kind of get together we were about to enjoy, but as soon as we reached the venue I was quite excited to see such a huge crowd. It was the first air show for all of us and we thought it would  definitely be something very interesting. As soon as the show started, we all tried to go at the front for a better view. We witnessed some breath taking stunts in the sky one after another. The show was a mind blowing one and we were really fortunate to watch such amazing stunts live in in front of our eyes. 

There was an hour of lunch break and we enjoyed our lunch out there and relaxed for a while.

My most favorite stunt was by the Red Bull, the aerobatic team of Czech Republic.


  1. Hi Jahid,

    Lovely air show. That was quite a stunt which they performed, must have been an enjoying air-show. Thanks for the video. :)


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    1. Thanks a lot Jay :) Yes, it was an amazing show and we enjoyed a lot.

  2. My college is next door to the airfield!

    1. cool ! your guys must have enjoyed the free show :)

  3. I remeber visitng the air show here in sunderland last year .. it was indeed breathtaking ..


    1. We were really thrilled that day and wondered how the guys inside could manage such kind of roller coaster? :)

  4. Replies
    1. yeah, it was indeed a great day. After the show we had a small party kind of :)

  5. should have been an awesome experience :) :)

    1. Hi,

      Yeah it was a very awesome experience. Thanks for visiting :)

  6. Looking up into the sky is always a beautiful experience. I like to look up at the stars at night. It would have been a get-together of a different sort for you and your friends.

    Joy always,

    1. Thanks a lot Susan for stopping by. Even I also enjoyed to look up at the stars at night, but the sky is not very much clear out here in Bangalore :)
      Yes, it was a different sort of but a great get-together for all of us.

  7. That must be a fun filled memorable day!!

    1. Yes Shilpa, it was a memorable day with full of fun and thrill !

  8. Must have been so much of fun!
