
Saturday 1 December 2012

Hostel Picnic


After passing out from AEC (Assam Engineering College) I enjoyed a few picnic trips but hostel picnic was something completely different. It was purely raw and we enjoyed our picnic in some of the most exotic places. December/January was the peak picnic season and all the well known picnic spots was usually crowded with college students. Some of the exotic picnic spots in Arunachal Pradesh were not very much crowded even in the peak seasons. In order to enjoy in those spots we had to go a little  deep inside the forest. sometimes we could hear elephant sounds from the other side of the stream. Some adventurous guys dared to cross the stream and used to go a little further  inside the forest.  Those days New Year celebration was incomplete for us without a picnic trip.

Those magnificent places in Arunachal Pradesh was favorite picnic destination for all the hostels in AEC. In fact those places were admired by  most of the colleges in and around Guwahati.  There are hell lot of highly recommended picnic spots in and around Bhalukpong and Tipi in Arunachal Pradesh.  It was almost like a dream to booze in such exotic river banks, as if Mother Nature herself  treated us. 
Even though it used to take almost 8-9 hours from hostel to our destination but the journey was so amazingly exciting. We used to keep big sound boxes inside the bus and the voyage was completely "Dum Maro Dum" kind of. During the drive we had the opportunity to listen to all sort of music, right from Bollywood blockbusters to rock music to metal and never forget our very own Bihu songs. Everyone was quite well prepared and used to keep the stuffs in excess quantity than the usual capacity, just to be on the safer side.

Oh !!!,  I so much miss those picnic trips; they were just out of the world.

We usually used to start early morning, in fact it was late night as we started by 2:30 to 3:30 AM. Some guys used to sleep early that particular night but out of excitement some of us couldn't sleep at all and after dinner it was a long wait for the picnic bus to come. 

Out of boredom and excitement some of us used to open our stuffs a little early. Everyone was highly charged for the initial 2-3 hours of the voyage and then many of us experienced snoring sounds echoed all over the bus. We used to have breakfast somewhere near Tezpur, situated in the banks of river Brahmaputra. After breakfast everyone was recharged and the party would come to live once more.  All of us used to party like hell the entire day and our hostel cooks also used to enjoy a lot even though they  were quite busy preparing food the whole day.

We usually used to have our special picnic meal by 3 PM and finally at 4 PM, it was time  to say good bye to those wonderful and magnificent streams. By that time everyone would be literally tired. After such a hard core party some of us, specially few of the first year brothers usually had to struggle  a lot to balance their foot steps.  Now, it was the senior’s responsibility to see that everyone is inside the bus. The return journey was almost lifeless, no music and there was complete silence all throughout the journey except those snoring sounds. Quite often one or two guys used to make the bus a little dirty, as they couldn't digest the over dose of the stuffs. We usually stopped at some place for the evening tea and after tea everyone used to come back to life for a while and someone would play the music. But after some time again most of us would go to deep sleep. We used to reach hostel at midnight.

We just returned from one such picnic trip and I was in my 5th semester that time. My good friend JP was the kind of guy who was able to digest hell lot of "Kamur" from us. “Kamur” is an informal word and used very frequently among the youths in our state. "Kamur" basically means “pulling someone's leg”. JP remained cool almost all the time but sometimes even he also used to get irritate and that time we realized that we may have crossed the line. That particular day JP somehow digested too much over dose of "Kamur" the whole day from many of us. We all were so tired after returning hostel at midnight and most of us went to sleep. But there were few stuffs left and some of us thought to  finish them off. We were some 7-8 guys and JP was the center of attraction for us and to be honest he started to show some symptoms of his irritation. After few rounds all of a sudden we realized that JP was not there with us. We went to his room but he was not there either. We were little worried and started to look for him in the entire hostel.

It was already 2 AM and we couldn't find him anywhere. Then someone said "JP is a very sensitive guy, he might have committed suicide”

Another one replied “holy shit !  what the hell are you saying?"

Our level of tension considerably increased  and some of us went to other hostels and few went to the nearby surrounding to look for him but JP was nowhere. Finally we gave up but  still awake, may be because we had to finish those stuffs completely. At around 3:30 AM, someone went to the loo and was little surprised as he heard some unusual sound out there. He had a close look and saw something bizarre and immediately came to call us. We went there and everyone was highly amused to find JP  lying inside one of the bathroom and was literally snoring like a pig.


  1. College days are always fun.This post brought back old memories of my Picnic days.Nice post.

    1. Thanks a lot Diana. I am happy that u could relate this to ur good old picnic days :)

  2. Hi Jahid,
    What a great post...with such lovely photos. India does surprise me. I almost thought it was part of Australia.

    1. Thanks a lot Neil for stopping by.I am glad that u liked my post. India is quite an amazing country with a wide range of cultural and geographical diversity. Himalayan ranges, deserts, beaches,dense forests, rivers and the list would just go on and on .. :) :)

  3. Nice post Jahid, specially snaps are too good:-)

  4. he he hehe .. he was sleeping in the bathroom


    1. hehe Bikram... He was actually but now he denies that :) But we all know the truth :)

  5. Lovely North East always wanted to visit. Your post inspired me to plan a trip. lovely pics.

    1. Thanks a lot Shreya. You must visit once, it's damn exotic.

  6. Arunachal Pradesh is very scenic and beautiful as is evident from your pictures. lovely post.

    1. Thanks a lot Meenakshi. Yes, Arunachal Pradesh is very scenic. The pictures in the post are just picnic spots. If you go to Tawang u would really go crazy :) Tawang is the most attractive tourist destination in Arunachal Pradesh. Sharing some google images

    2. Wow! mindblowing!! I am embarrassed at my scant knowledge of north-east. Thanks for sharing the post and images.

    3. Hey! don't Be embarrassed :) India is just so vast. Almost all of us have limited knowledge of many places. It would be wonderful if we can explore each and every part of India.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot dear. I am glad u liked it !

  8. enjoyed the pics... so beautiful place... and your experience turned out to be funny... :-)

    1. Thanks a lot Sreeja. Yes, it was quite a funny incident :)

  9. Thanks a lot Freya for stopping by. I am glad u liked this post. Yeah! everything turned out well in the end :)
