
Sunday 21 October 2012

A Few Good Men

After attending a farewell party I was on my way to home.  We all were pretty high that night; some of my friends also enjoyed joints.  Out of excitement even I also had a few drags and it kicked instantly as I had it after many years. After the party and after saying good bye to my friends I took an auto and was on my way home. It was little late, around 12:30 AM and I was looking for a shop to buy a few cigarettes, but unfortunately all the shops were closed. All of a sudden I noticed one person selling cigarettes and tea in his bicycle; this is quite common in Bangalore. I asked the auto driver to stop and I had to walk back a little distance to buy my stuffs. My bill was 50 Rs and I gave that person a 100 Rs note and lighted a cigarette.  As soon as he returned my 50 Rs change, I immediately left from there and went back to my auto. The auto started and was about to take some momentum, suddenly the driver stopped and said "someone is following us and waving his hand" It was the same person from whom I bought my cigarettes. He came to me and said “what sir? You are so careless. You had given me 500 Rs note” he returned me the remaining 400 Rs.

One of my friend and his wife planned to attend their close friend’s Griha Pravesh (House Warming Ceremony). They wanted to gift something unique and within their budget. They visited few malls but they couldn't find anything interesting. Finally they found something cool as well as authentic stuff in one small shop. They gift wrapped their stuffs they bought and took an auto just outside the shop. From there they went to a market as they had to buy some other things as well. They were quite busy shopping and only after half an hour they realized that they had left the gift in the auto itself. The wife was almost about to cry and she even tried her luck to find the auto in the place where they got down. Her husband tried to console her and after a few minutes she said to him “lucky auto driver, he must be a happy person tonight. 2000 Rs is not a small amount, also we spent so much time to find the kind of gift we wanted” Her husband replied “It’s OK, what can we do now?  Tomorrow we will go to the same shop and will buy the same gift again.” So, next day they went to the same shop and described the shopkeeper about the same product they bought the previous day. The shopkeeper recognized their faces and gave them a gift wrapped parcel and said “last night an auto driver came to our shop and gave me this parcel. He said that someone left the parcel in his auto. As soon as he realized that he immediately went back to the same place where he dropped you guys, he even waited there for 15 minutes but unfortunately he couldn't find you guys. So he came to my shop and said to me that they must have bought this from here as they boarded the auto from here.  He requested me to hand over the parcel to the right person if in case they visit here next time” 


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah Mrinmoy da, some incidents really reignite our sense of pride :)

  2. Totally agree ,Mrinmoy da..Proud 2b an Indian../-)

  3. Very nice, some auto fellows are really good, and some are so bad,they are ones responsible for giving others the bad name.

    1. Yeah Rama, I also had a few bad experience with auto fellows but when I compare them with other people in society including myself, i forgive them :)

  4. Aloha!!

    Booze,joints;integral part of your stories. :)

    1. Haha :) U got it right. Can't help it :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  5. Shows that there are good people too on earth.. Nice post.. Left me with some hope.. New to your blog.. Following you..!!

    1. Yes Priya, good people would always be there on earth. Thanks a lot for visiting out here and also for the encouragement!
