
Monday 24 September 2012

One sad goodbye

After passing out of AEC I stayed at Guwahati for 3-4 months and then went to Delhi with my friends. In Delhi first few months passed just like that. My mechanical friends were at least getting some calls. Job market was at a pathetic condition that time. Every one among us had some plan except me. Some wanted to do MBA, some wanted to do M Tech and some were searching jobs. I was not able to decide what to do? Sometime my friends went outside to register themselves with the consultancies. Everyone knew that 90 % of the consultancies are fake but still they would pay them just with the hope that they might give one call. One day I also went to Nehru Place along with Tutul. A hell lot of consultancies were there. We went to one of them and discussed about our profiles. I asked whether there are any fresher’s jobs in software. She replied "Lot of jobs is there." I asked which companies have requirements for fresher. She replied "you first register with us and then you see how many calls we will give you". Registration fee was Rs 200 and I had only 50 Rs with me. I said to the lady "it's OK  We just come to inquire and we will come some other time to register." She replied "If you guys came so far why don't you register it now itself?"  Finally I said "actually I haven't brought money with me". She said "It's OK  you pay 100 now and remaining you can pay later". I replied "Actually I have only 50 Rs with me" she said "OK, you pay 50 Rs and remaining you can pay later" I asked "If I pay you 50 Rs then how I will go home? It will take minimum 20 Rs for me to go home." Listening to this she replied "At least you pay us 20 Rs and remaining you can pay later". We just ran away from there.

That day I thought that nothing can happen like this? For the first time I experienced some kind of depression. One more month passed just like that. One day I saw one advertisement in newspaper regarding admission for CDAC, Noida. I had some knowledge about CDAC but CDAC, Noida was recently opened. They mentioned that in entrance exam they would be asking c language and aptitude questions. I felt happy as I knew only those things that time. I made up my mind that I will go for it. Actually that decision gave me some direction in life that time.  I filled the form and prepared hard for the test for almost a month. One month after the test they declared the result. In the test my rank was among the top 10. This actually built my confidence that time.

Now there was not much time left for the formalities as classes were supposed to start within next 10 days. Somehow I convinced my father that it's a good course and definitely I will get a good job after completing it. I knew it would be a hectic 6 month course and after the course I will have to manage a job and after I join I will have to concentrate on my work. Actually I was little worried that for a long time I will not be able to visit home. To be honest I was missing Anjali. I missed her very badly that time and decided to visit Guwahati. Somehow I was able to manage a railway ticket. I was in Guwahati for 3-4 days and every day I used to meet Anjali. On the last day she gifted me a formal shirt. I asked her "why do u have to give me a shirt? Any way I don't wear formals" She said "I bought it from my first stipend. You will be facing interviews now and I know that you don't have even a single formal shirt" I told her that tomorrow morning I will be going and don't know next time when I will come? She told that she will be coming to Ghy railway station to see me off. I told her that my father would come to see me off and it would be little embarrassing, it will be better if you could come to Maligaon Rly station(Kamakhya). Also it would have been nearer from her hostel. I didn't have any money left with me to gift her anything. I told her that I will give her some pickles made by my mom tomorrow when you will come to see me. She loved my Mom's pickle. My mom didn't like her much though, may be because she is a Hindu. As expected my parents were not in favor of this relation. They didn't knew much about us that time but certainly they had some doubts. 

My train was at around 9:30 next morning. Next day after going to the station along with my father, we came to know that the train is 1 hour delayed. During that time neither I nor Anjali had mobile phone. I felt bad thinking Anjali also waiting there in Maligaon station alone. After half an hour it was announced that my train is delayed by another 3 hours. This time I was little tense. I told my father “you better go home? Why you have to wait unnecessarily? “I thought after my father go, I will catch a city bus or an auto and will go to Maligaon station.  But my father replied “Why should I go? What you will do alone here?” We waited just like that. I thought I will not be able to see her today. Finally the train arrived and I kept my luggage. My father also was bored of waiting and he wished me happy journey and left. The train was still at the platform and I just lighted a cigarette. Suddenly a policeman came and took me to concerned authority.  I argued a lot but I had to pay 100 Rs fine. 

Finally the train started to move. I was 90% sure that Anjali will not be there at Maligaon station, waiting for me that long. But still I was standing at the train door and was looking for her. To my surprise I saw her there. I immediately took the pickle bottle from my bag and got down. I had to go a little distance to meet her. I just said sorry, the train was so late. She replied “Yeah, I got to know”. I gave her the pickle bottle and as soon as I hold her arms the train started to move. She told me “Please don’t go”. The train already gained some momentum. Without saying much I just ran to catch the train. I was just waving my arms in the air till she lost to view. I was very upset and after several hours when the train reached New Jalpaiguri station, I called her hostel from a PCO in the platform. But she was not there in the hostel, may be she was in hospital. She was from Ayurvedic College and was doing her internship that time.


  1. one of those days...n i never thought of you being that romantic... n Happy Anniversary dude...

    1. Thanks dude. The kind of image i had earlier u know right :) so had to do romance secretly

  2. Very well written, Loved reading it esp 20 rupees consultant….I am all excited to hear some stories esp from the school days…you can give serious competition to Chetan Bhagat in terms of school masala n Humour seriously think about it…like Secret dairy Mr. X, Schoolbag matchmaker.

    1. Thanks a lot dear. Ab itna bhi mat feko :) Will surely write about good old school days. Mishra sir, Hotilaal sir,Shivlaal, prank calls, ..... so many stories..

  3. really good.. one of your best so far .. it has all those innocent feelings that will hit everyone who read it.
    keep it up..

  4. Its good one Jahid , but , I guess there are lots more about your romantic journey ---More about "its genesis" like calling from hostel landline phone without using dialler bla bla ... Hope those were the "best days of your life".
    For people like me who claim be to an agnostic , honestly your story is really inspiring . Never get a chance to express my thoughts before , but I feel here is the place where I can say something .
    Also ignore , If I mentioned something which does not fit here.
    Bulla Bhai ..

    1. Ha ha Sinha :) it's you man. Actually i thought someone else ... Thanks man ... Bulla Bulla .....

  5. Wow! Reminds me of so many things. Are you from Assam? I recently visited Assam for a conference in Joysagar.

    I love pickles too. Your stories transport me to another period in time - the world of PCOs, long distance travelling by trains, etc.

    I wish you both lots of love and happiness, always.

    Joy always,

    1. Yeah Susan! I am originally from Assam and a Bangalorean from last 9 years :) I glad that my stories transported U to another period in time, ur good old days :)

      Thanks a lot for ur warm wishes!
