
Saturday 29 September 2012

I Shouldn't Be Alive

We were in 7th semester and it was a sad moment for us as we were about to depart from our immediate senior friends. During our time the 8th semester exam was usually delayed by 6 to 7 months. Entire AEC campus was in farewell mood. Suddenly out of nowhere we got terrible news that my close friend Diganta is very serious. He was suffering from severe jaundice; in fact he was in coma. All my friends became speechless  and every one wondered “how cum?” We used to visit hospital on a daily basis, in fact special AEC bus was provided from AEC to International Hospital. Being admitted to the ICU, people were not allowed to visit him. Only few times his close relatives and few hostel-2 guys visited him. Diganta was from hostel-2. Few of my friends who visited him told me that his face twisted beyond recognition and suggested me not to see him in this condition. I still remember how we waited outside the hospital?

On 3rd day I saw Diganta’s father outside the hospital holding a cigarette in his hand. I wanted to ask him about Diganta’s condition as I thought he only could give me the exact information. But considering the situation and the kind of anxiety I saw on his face, I hesitated to ask him initially. But finally I asked him “Uncle How is Diganta’s condition? What did the doctor say?” On that his father replied “there’s not much hope, we are mentally prepared for the worst as anything might happen at any time.” He asked me “You are Diganta’s batch mate?” I replied “yes, we are batch mates as well as branch mates”. He said “you people should also make yourself mentally strong enough and prepare for the worst”. I was little surprised as I wasn't expecting such kind of reply. To be honest I really admired his strong personality.

After a few days our vacation started and most of us went home. I called few times to hostel-2 but most of the time my call was unanswered. But luckily one time one of my friend received the call but unfortunately he replied “aakha kom” (there’s not much hope).

After vacation we came back to hostel and got pleasant news that Diganta is recovering. Immediately we went to meet him.  It was difficult to recognize him as he was too yellowish. His mom was there and she gave us some “Bihu Pitha” to eat. That time Diganta said to us “Tohote tu bhabisili je moi nabasim?”  (You guys must have thought that I wouldn't survive?).

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